Mais uma em inglês, fresquinha.

Society drains our time
Time that demands his fine
A fine that demands our lives
Lives that demand more time

An existence full of discriminations
Locked inside towers of abomination
Creating foolish senses to fake a nation
Justifying this endless exploitation

Silly small town boys
diminished to child's toys
By a sickly constituted joy
we're readied for the fields of soy

Being castrated by the filthy swines
that turn our blood into the sweetest wine
that cut our wings so we can't fly
A sentence that none alone can abide

In truth we used to trust before
But no more... But no more
Now we live as a social whore
Selling our ideas for what they adore

And there is still the saddest part
Where we were blindfolded from the start
Surviving in a reality that is set apart
Eating all dignity from the core of our heart.

3 comentários:

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    Absolutely, the work of a genius. Screwed up society, we'd be better off without it!


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