Freedom of expression
Freedom of speech
Run away from depression
Or your life it'll leech

Doesn't matter if they call you
Whitey, nigger, savage or goose
When they go for the abuse
that's when we all lose

Freedom of expression
Freedom of thought
You seek for correction
But that can't be bought

Humans as play things
The hardness of reality
Leads to cruel iniquity
Media's pulling our strings

Freedom of expression
Freedom of choice
It's a matter of perception
They will hear our voice
You must face the keepers
of liberty and life
Join the groove seekers
an ideal that never dies

If thinkin is your trouble
abandon the rules of domination
Be ready for the old struggle
for the endless liberation

The cost of their gains
is the blood in our veins
We sell it for a few grains

Arrest us for being in a brawl
We're restless and won't crawl
By your morality we won't fall

Gods of I

Hearing the screams of people
I write my saving gospel
Preaching and praising life
In the silently noisy temple

No other fool such as I
Would even dare to try
To risk his beloved neck
To speak about the past times

Indeed, it’s just for a speck
Of wise lust and selfless pride
But monotony it shall crack

I walk on with my head held high
Through the valley of fear and doubt
Comforted by no other god than I
In a colorful gleam
The sky begins to cramble
Leaving a thin shade of steam
surrounded by blood bubbles

A foul taste stains my mind
And a putrid breath unbinds
the numb sensation of death
That gets me closer to Seth

A life confined to the glass
fullfiled of acoholic stress
Indeed sad is the existence
that leads me to my senses.

Mais uma em inglês, fresquinha.

Society drains our time
Time that demands his fine
A fine that demands our lives
Lives that demand more time

An existence full of discriminations
Locked inside towers of abomination
Creating foolish senses to fake a nation
Justifying this endless exploitation

Silly small town boys
diminished to child's toys
By a sickly constituted joy
we're readied for the fields of soy

Being castrated by the filthy swines
that turn our blood into the sweetest wine
that cut our wings so we can't fly
A sentence that none alone can abide

In truth we used to trust before
But no more... But no more
Now we live as a social whore
Selling our ideas for what they adore

And there is still the saddest part
Where we were blindfolded from the start
Surviving in a reality that is set apart
Eating all dignity from the core of our heart.

Freedom Time

Dessa vez, não vou postar nada meu. Estava ouvindo um álbum da Lauryn Hill que tenho aqui no meu computador, despretensiosamente, quando esta pérola surge aos meus ouvidos. Reconhecia que o trabalho da moça aí era muito bom, mas a letra desta música, Freedom Time, em particular, é genial. Espero que gostem.

"Freedom Time"

Everybody knows that they're guilty
Everybody knows that they've lied
Everybody knows that they're guilty
Resting on their conscience eating their inside
It's freedom, said it's freedom time now
It's freedom, said it's freedom time now
Time to get free, oh give us yourselves up now
It's freedom, said it's freedom time

[First and only verse]
Yo, there's a war in the mind, over territory
For the dominion
Who will dominate the opinion
Skisms and isms, keepin' us in forms of religion
Conformin' our vision
To the world churches decision
Trapped in a section
Submitted to committee election
Moral infection
Epidemic lies and deception
Of the highest possible order
Destortin' our tape recorders
From hearin' like under water
Beyond the borders
Fond of sin and disorder
Bound by the strategy
It's systematic depravity
Heavy as gravity
Head first in the cavity
Without a bottom
A faith, worse than Saddam
Once got him
Drunk of the spirits
Truth comes, we can't hear it
When you've been, programmed to fear it
I had a vision
I was fallin' in indecision
Apollin', callin' religion
Some program on television
How can dominant wisdom
Be recognized in the system
Of Anti-Christ, the majority rules
Intelligent fools
PhD's in illusion
Masters of mass confusion
Bacholors in past illusion
Now who you choosin'
The head or the tail
The bloodshed of male
More confidence in the tale
Conference is in Yale
Discussin' doctrines of Baal
Causin' people to fail
Keepin' the third in jail
His word is nale
Everything to the tree
Severing all of me from all that I used to be
Formless and void
Totally paranoid
Enjoy darkness as the Lord
Keepin' me from the sword
Block for mercy
Bitter than purgatory
Hungry and thirsty
For good meat we would eat
And still, dined at the table of deceit
How incomplete
From confrontation to retreat
We prolong the true enemy’s defeat
Death to the ascendancy
Causin' desperation to get the best of me
Punishment 'til there was nothing left of me
Realizin' the unescapable death of me
No options in the valley of decision
The only doctrine, supernatural circumcision
Inwardly, only water can purge the heart
From words that fiery darts
Thrown by the workers of the arts
Iniquity, shapen in
There're no escapin' when
You're whole philosophy is paper thin
In vanity
The wide road is insanity
Could it be all of humanity
Picture that
Scripture that
The origin of a man's heart is black
How can we show up for
An invisible war
Preoccupied with a shadow, makin' love with a whore
Achin' in sores
Babylon, the great mystery
Mother of human history
System of social sorcery
Our present condition
Needs serious recognition
Where there's no repentance there can be no remission
And that sentence, more serious than Vietnam
The atom bomb is Saddam and Minister Farakkhan
What's goin' on, what's the priority to you
What authority do we do
When the majority hasn't a clue
We majored in curses
Search the chapters, check the verses
Recapture the land
Remove the mark from off of our hands
So we can stand
In agreement with his command
Everything else is damned
Let them what is understand
Everything else is damned, let them with ears understand

It's freedom, said it's freedom time now
It's freedom, said it's freedom time now
It's freedom, I'ma be who I am
It's freedom time, said it's freedom time
Everybody knows that they've lied
Everybody knows that they've perpetrated inside
Everybody knows that they're guilty, yes
Resting on their conscience eating their insides
Get free, be who you're supposed to be
Freedom, said it's freedom time now
Freedom, said it's freedom time
Freedom, freedom time now

Eu não morri!

Peguei o inicio da chuva. Tentando ir para o trabalho, sai de casa às 17hs e cheguei no trabalho às 21hs!

O problema foi... Que não sai do trabalho!

A moça que faz minha 'rendição' não saiu nem de casa e meu supervisor também não. Resumindo, fiquei 24hs no trampo. Só sai de lá na terça à noite, pra tentar voltar pra casa. E como tava um caos terrível nem meu 3g quis funcionar, daí o motivo de ter ficado off de segunda à terça.

O Rio se tornou um completo caos em menos de 12hs, essa é a maior das verdades.
A Lagoa Rodrigo de Freias virou, literalmente, uma lagoa.
A Praça da Bandeira ficou em baixo d'água.
Niterói desabou.

Isso só mostra o quanto despreparado para eventuais 'desastres' naturais nós estamos. E faz com que, levantemos as mãos e agradeçamos não ter terremotos, furacões e vulcões (ainda), por aqui, senão... Senão estaríamos extintos.

Hoje tem a fase dois: Tentar ir para o trabalho, de novo.

Desejem-me sorte!

Uma nota sobre tragédias...

Há quase um dia, vem chovendo direto no Rio de Janeiro. A cidade está um caos, com várias áreas alagadas. O prefeito da cidade, Eduardo Paes, recomendou que as pessoas não saiam de casa, se possível. Já o governador do estado, Sérgio Cabral, alerta para que as pessoas que moram em áreas de risco abandonem suas residências o mais rápido possível. O número de mortos já beira os 80.

Nessas horas, vendo, ouvindo e lendo relatos, fico pensando na falta de infraestrutura das grandes cidades brasileiras. O lixo acumulado nas ruas da cidade é incrível.

Minha sincera esperança para que esta situação seja findada o mais breve possível (E também para que a Aline esteja bem) fica aqui relatada.

Às famílias das vítimas, meus pêsames.

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